
conversations with my man 1.0 (virtual edition)

on pondering where our next cycling trip will be...
(via FB chat)

b: also ponder about how we're never going to live in a city again:

m: holy shit man!
now even the bedbugs have mrsa and vre!

b: no shit

m: what the eff?!?
how about that cabin in the woods?


m: it's only a matter of time until that shit migrates north
we can't keep running
although this does make a good movie


m: you're scaring me
maybe we shouldn't ride in eastern european cities then

b: sorry, got zombie movies on the brain

m: yeah, that's ok

b: brraaiiins
ok, seriously, i have to go work now


it doesn't feel like sunday

i think most people, when they start to feel a bit down, tend to try and pick themselves up, maybe some positive self talk, find people to make them happy, do "happy" things.
not me. no.
i tend to put on some standby sad music, on repeat, maybe go for a run, and wallow in my own self loathing and tears.
oh wintersleep, how you make that so easy with songs like this.

i kind of enjoy it for a little bit.
talking to nobody, sinking deeper into my thoughts.
often wondering how anybody is truly happy with the state of the world.
thinking that a vacation or being thin or having new kitchen cupboards will somehow make me feel better.
then realizing that material goods are only a temporary fix.
did low self esteem cause these thoughts or did it come as a result of this need for happiness?
we're all being duped.
happiness is created by the fat cats that created everything else in this world.
the inadequacies we feel are a result of being told how we're supposed to feel.
being told what we need in order to feel good. to feel "happy".
and when your fake expectations fall short, you feel like ass.

i am surrounded by so much beauty.
beauty that was not created by anybody in a suit.
that alone can remind me that where i am and who i surround myself with are the real reasons to be happy.


deja again

i've been having frequent bouts (like it's some sort of disease) of deja vu lately
and i'm not sure whether that means i'm on the right path, or whether it's meant to kick me in the ass and say "hey, you've done this already...do something else!"...like a kind of metaphysical warning that i'm not supposed to fall into the same trap of routine again.

although most likely it means nothing at all.


missing blog post from random scribbles

some time in September, on the way west...

today i came to the realization that my summer has ended...abruptly.
here, it is definitely fall.
in toronto, summer may have lingered well into September, maybe even October, until it gradually became miserable and cold....and maybe some snow in January.
in northern Ontario we saw the colours of the leaves and felt the temperature drop to a crisp autumn air with morning frost.
here, the seasons so distinct, the harvest over in preparation for the snow.


Day 1 - GTA to the Soo

eating grapes...

bob: do you squeeze the insides through your teeth and make wine?

after the trailer tire blowout...

bob (to tire guy): so in your professional tire opinion, will the rest of these make it across the country?
tire guy (checking them out): oh yeah, they seem pretty new...so you going out west eh?
me: yeah
tire guy: Vancouver?
bob: no, about 15 hrs north of there
tire guy: where? Smithers?
me: ?!?
bob (eyebrows raised): actually, yes.
tire guy: yeah, i got family there. love it out there.
me: no shit.


canoe conversations too

me: i'm getting old.
bob: yeah, we're both getting old but at least you've still got your rack.