
today in psychology class...

you are kind of always aware of the influence that famous psychologists' theories have on popular culture...sayings like "he's so anal" wouldn't be in existence if it weren't for Freud, right?

but today i learned something new.
my psych prof said that george lucas was such a big jungian that the whole star wars trilogy is based on jung's idea of the duality of man and embracing your dark side ("luke, i am your father")

i was so intrigued that i looked it up. and although this particular reference is missing, wikipedia does have a fairly comprehensive list of jung's influence on culture...

even though i am a fairly big TOOL fan, i never really thought of aenima as being synonymous with jung's anima/animus
i've also read robertson davies, chuck palahniuk, and ursula leguin and really didn't put 2&2 together.
even northern exposure dj chris stevens made many references to jung.
who knew?

check it out here

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