Jerusalem Hill kicked my ass
today i prayed all day--i prayed for no more wind.
that wind stopped me dead a few times.
i have never pedalled so hard in my life.
like a cartoon character continually circling my legs, yet going nowhere.
hwy 540 to Bridal Veil Falls was just so windy, but the falls are pretty and I got bit by a horse fly. those buggers hurt.
we missed the old jail museum in Gore Bay by 5 mins because the LCBO outlet took priority.
all hail the tetra paks of wine!
perfect for a night at Lake Wolsley after having to climb the steepest hill ever at the end of the day. Indian Point Hill. wow. two steep, quick hills in one day.
we managed to cross a gorgeous causeway today, the windiest of days, without blowing into the water. amazing.
in my head i take notes like journalling for a blog now. title and all.
is that sad?
day 3 stats
~22˚ & sunny (35 km/hr winds)
total riding time: 5 hrs 6 mins
total distance: 71.3 km (avg: 14 km/hr)
max speed: 39.5 km/hr
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