the swamps of mordor and a beat up old jalopy
the ride back to Lake Wolsley today--which was the same as yesterday, minus the extra 10km of hill into Sheshegwaning First Nation--seemed so much easier.
not easy, but easier.
although i did get attacked by horseflies through most of it.
it must have been the eggs and homefries we had at the lighthouse restaurant for breakfast. that was a nice treat.
and i didn't have to poo on the side of the road again like yesterday--thank god for the emergency roll of TP.
we made it back to the camp at Lake Wolsley Obejewung and are ready to feast. we're almost out of camp fuel so we decided to eat most of our dried food. plus we stopped in at the general store in Evansville (at the bottom of Indian Point Hill) and Beebs picked out a cajun smoked manitoulin river trout to add some protein to our pasta. the nice young girls in the store also showed us another way to camp without having to climb the crazy steepness of Indian Point Hill Rd, which was a welcome reprieve after another long day.
we found a beautiful old abandoned dock today, where we stopped for lunch after buying more bagels and p.b. in Silverwater again (we were reluctant to stop there again, but there really is nowhere else).
we met a couple from toronto at the store, and they offered up their septic field for a soft place to sleep and a hot shower for the night . so very nice of them, but they weren't too far from Silverwater and that was only our half way point for the day.
the dock was abandoned by the government and was in a beautiful bay...it was lovely, save for the nasty climb back up a loose gravel road to the highway.

hopefully we have enough fuel for breakfast. it's a short day to Providence Bay tomorrow where there's a little town with a restaurant for dinner.
back to civilization....not sure whether i'm sad or excited.
day 5 stats
27˚ & sunny
total riding time: 5 hrs 3 mins
total distance: 78.93 km (avg: 15.6 km/hr)
max speed: 51 km/hr
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