
managing online identities

this is why i hate sites like facebook. as if we're not fucked up enough trying to manage our real selves.

maybe it's just the interweb i hate. it's like a choose your own adventure book.
i hated those books when i was a kid.
i always felt like i'd miss a piece of the story, so i used to keep my fingers placed at every possible choice so i could always go back and make sure i never missed an option. then i would read the book from cover to cover in a linear fashion and put the story pieces together in my head.
it used to drive me nuts!
i feel like that's the way most websites are. thank goodness firefox has tabs. usually after a foray into the world wide web i have like 20 freakin tabs open for all the possible links elsewhere.
it's gotten kind of crazy.
here's wishing for a simpler online life.

Music to my ears: futuristic '70s synth soundtrack while watching Logan's Run

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