
the pop-pop of firecrackers ringing in my ears

oh the beauty of celebrating a dead monarch.
and it's cold out.

i just finished reading Haruki Murakami's Kafka on the Shore. it was so lovely to devour a beautiful piece of fiction. since starting school last september, my collection of fiction novels awaiting my hungry brain has sat, untouched, on the bookshelf. instead i've been reading textbooks on the art of nursing, physical examination and health assessment and psychology (to name a few). i have a lot of reading to do this summer. but murakami was a great start. he never lets me down--i get so lost in his world that my night dreams start to blur with my daydreams. my mind wanders into a land of metaphors and surrealism. everything you could ask for in a great piece of fiction.

it seems that i have changed so much in the last year. and not just the obvious. at 28 years of age i left a job that sucked my soul away to return to school to become an RN. i really didn't think that this would drastically affect the way i look at life. i have learned so much about myself that i've been feeling a bit revolutionary lately. some may say idealistic, but is that such a bad thing? is it so misleading to think that we are the generation that can change things? i truly believe we can. and it will be a joint effort between people across different fields of work. it all goes back to those connections we make.
i've been getting way too absorbed in sociology/social commentary and popular culture lately. but i think that's a good thing...for myself....and maybe for others. we'll see.

Music to my ears: Tool's aenima
Words to live by: "The world that we live in is not real. Consumer capitalism has taken every authentic human experience, transformed it into a commodity and then sold it back to us through advertising and mass media." ~from The Rebel Sell, by Joseph Heath & Andrew Potter (discussing the thesis of Guy Debord, a radical Marxist)

In reality: The rapping reverend

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