
it's amazing how a demolition can bring strangers together

some songs or bands are just so great at capturing the theme of life.
i've always wanted to film a short movie of a certain part of life solely based on how well a song fits.
my streetcar ride today fit so well with wintersleep's migration; especially if i could slow down the passing of people. the variety of people and storefronts and delapidated buildings...maybe because i was on the dundas car, which always has some interesting sights around regent park--kind of a sad, unsettling feeling while still being full of beauty.
godspeed you! black emperor often has this same effect for me--although more for the ups and downs of my own life...personal trials and tribulations.
but why do only upsetting events warrant a soundtrack? it seems that happiness is usually expressed as cheesy pop. maybe all that angst and depression causes good writing?
or maybe that cheesy pop is just a mask of happiness (made to tell us what 'happy' is) and what's not always 'happy' is what's real, and as a result, is actually what makes happiness?
or maybe it's all just my interpretation.
i had a few songs in my head for a soundtrack for the demolition i saw yesterday, that could have made it beautiful, but the fact that strangers were conversing and laughing together made it beautiful in its own right.
sometimes music isn't even needed for therapy. sometimes all it takes is a little human interaction.

Music to my ears: wintersleep & godspeed you! black emperor
Words to live by: "After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." ~Aldous Huxley from "Music at Night" (1931)

In reality: this is just freakin cool.

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