
detox day 2

i'm not hungry.
this is quite the miracle since all i have been eating for 2 days is fish, nuts, oils, brown rice (and related brown rice paper-like tasting stuff), fruits and vegetables...and these homeopathic UNDA drops taken sublingually that temporarily numb my mouth, like that first bite into a clorets eliminator gum.
so...not unlike my usual diet i guess, except for the eggs and yogurt and soy and wheat....and gum. (holy hell i have just realized the extent of my gum addiction).
and alcohol....and the coffee. oh the coffee.
oh man what i wouldn't give for one cup of java right now. even just a little, wee espresso. just to get that wonderful coffee bean taste on my tongue.
even a Timmy's coffee would do--it is roll up the rim time.

i'd give up the sauce for the rest of my life, even my precious vino, to be left with my caffeine fix.
this tea just isn't cuttin it.

Food for thought: Identity by Milan Kundera

In reality: When I'm walking down the street with headphones on, listening to my ipod which is sitting in my pocket and my cell phone starts ringing, this buzzing creeps me out.

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